High Threat Protective Security Detail Training

This six day (60) hour course is designed to thoroughly educate, train and prepare security professionals to work as as a member of a High Threat Protective Security Detail in dangerous environments outside of the continental United States.

The primary duties and responsibilities of a High Threat Protective Security Detail (PSD) is to ensure the safety high profile persons or high network persons, their family members, companions, and property from physical harm or danger. Typical security risks include, but are not limited to; kidnap, assassination, terrorist/insurgent ambush, embarrassment, and general physical harm.

Attendees will receive in-depth education and training tactical methodologies used to successfully detect, deter, avoid, and mitigate common threats to VIPs when traveling in High Risk Nations abroad.

Target Audience

This course is not open to the general public. Course attendees must satisfy one or more criteria for acceptance:

  • Male or female adults ages 21 to 55.
  • Active or prior sworn law enforcement
  • Civil servant
  • One (1) year of armed commercial security experience
  • Excellent physical, medical and psychological health
  • No felony drug or alcohol convictions
  • No history of domestic violence
  • Must sign a Risk of Injury Liability Waiver prior to actual participation

60 Hours / Six Full Days

Classes Held In Denver, Dallas, Atlanta & Savannah Georgia

Six days for a total of sixty (60) actual training hours. Training begins promptly at 8:30 am each morning with some modules extending well into the evening hours.

Class Capacity

Maximum class seating capacity is twenty-four (24) attendees with an instructor to student ratio of 1-to-5.

Assessment & Evaluation

Student assessment and grading are based on the following criteria:

  • 100% score on physical exercise fitness screening. *US Army Standards.
  •  70% minimum score on a 25-page written examination consisting of 150 questions requiring descriptive answers, thorough explanations, and essay.
  • 70% minimum score on oral quizzes.
  •  Instructor final consensus

Red Team /Blue Team Exercises

Modern research and studies into the “fight-or-flight syndrome” or “sympathetic response” as it is also called, proves conclusively that when under extreme duress or faced with a life-or-death threat, the subconscious mind triggers a series of reactions in the body that severely inhibits its‟ ability to perform at peak levels.

Shooting paper targets from a static fixed stance does not prepare an individual for the emotional and physiological experiences of a real fight to the death. To best assess and evaluate an operator’s ability to perform effectively under combat conditions, we incorporate Red Team-Blue Team scenarios into our skill assessment and grading criteria.


Training is conducted in several environments:

  • 50% indoor classroom – consisting of lecture, workbook study, video / PowerPoint, and interactive dialogue.
  • 50% outdoor field exercises – consisting of hotel/motel urban environment training, shopping mall foot escort training, motorcade operations training on public roadways, and red team/blue team role play in an open field (rugby grounds or similar).

Packing List

Business casual clothing, polo shirts, Docker® type slacks, at least two or three pairs of blue jeans, range uniform (rugged 5.11 style pants and long sleeve shirt recommended), a raincoat, workout clothing appropriate for defensive tactics Aikido and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu style training, business clothing, slacks, jacket, tie, and appropriate shoes. No camouflage military-style uniform or attire allowed.

A laptop computer is not mandatory but will prove to be helpful in the academic portions of the course and mission planning segments of the course. Video recording is strictly prohibited.