Students will be introduced to the same tactics, techniques, and principles HCT™ instructors presented to Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel in every branch of the Armed Forces, major city SRT/SWAT teams, numerous federal agencies, and members of the DC Capitol Police Department. Learning Objectives This course will take the student from a basic working knowledge of CQC/CQB B fundamentals to an understanding of advanced concepts used to address complex structure entry, stairwells, low-light/no light scenarios and weapon malfunction scenarios. Situational training exercises immerse the student into real-world, high-stress scenarios by safely incorporating the use of AirSoft (high quality, 1-to-1 full-scale replica firearms that feel, look, and handle like the real thing). All role-play scenarios are managed in a safe and controlled environment. Upon completion of this course, a certified student will know how to properly: This is a stand-alone course, no prerequisite required. Regardless of your current training level you will be pushed and trained to the point of personal tactical growth. See note below. The class involves live fire individual skills in a flat range setting and AirSim for force on target drills and force on force training and scenarios. Note: students should be at an appropriate training level where they can effectively manipulate and operate their weapon, allowing them to focus on the CQB curriculum. ***Note: It is recommended (but not required) that you purchase your own AirSim Gas blowback (GBB) rifle/carbine as a training aid for general training at facilities such as HCT and at home. HCT is a vendor for the recommended KWA / PTS rifle and these can be purchased in the HCT Store. Feel free to bring your own Airsoft pistol, rifle plus magazines, gas, and BBs will avoid the $100 rental cost.
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Close Quarters Combat (CQC/CQB) Room Clearing & Personal Combatives Considerations
This two-day Close Quarters Combatives (CQC) & Close Quarters Combat (CQB) Fundamentals Course is designed to provide a comprehensive education into the fundamentals of high-risk CQB room entry and personal combatives. The target audience for this course is sworn law enforcement, military personnel, martial arts instructors/coaches and qualified armed civilians who use a pistol or carbine for personal defense.
Product Store
$650.00USD $375.00
Maximum purchase amount of 16 is allowed
Manufacturer: Hostile Control Tactics
Tuition: $375.00
AirSoft Rental (optional): $100 (rifle, magazines, gas & BBs)